GEOLIFE NPK 00:00:50 100% WATER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER WHAT IS GEOLIFE NPK 00:00:50? GEOLIFE NPK 00-00-50 is a water soluble Potassium Sulphate (SOP) fertilizer which is totally water soluble in crystalline form. It contains high quality...
GEOLIFE NPK 17:44:00 100% WATER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER WHAT IS GEOLIFE NPK 17:44:00 ? GEOLIFE NPK 17:44:00 is a 100 % water soluble fertilizer provides all the essential nutrients by plant – Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous(P) and Potassium...
Geolife NPK 19-19-19 100% Water Soluble Fertilizer WHAT IS GEOLIFE NPK 19-19-19 ? GEOLIFE NPK 19:19:19 is a 100 % water soluble fertilizer containing all three major nutrients i.e , 19% Nitrogen , 19% Phosphorus and...
GEOLIFE NutriFert NPK 13:00:45 100% WATER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER WHAT IS GEOLIFE Nutrifert NPK 13:00:45 ? GEOLIFE nutrifert NPK 13:00:45 is a 100 % water soluble fertilizer. The fertilizer is 100% water-soluble NPK Fertilizer and It is Useful for...
GEOLIFE NPK 00:52:34 100% WATER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER WHAT IS GEOLIFE NPK 00:52:34 ? GEOLIFE NPK 00:52:34 is a 100 % water soluble fertilizer. The fertilizer is 100% water-soluble and It is Useful for all crops. BENEFITS OF GEOLIFE NPK...
For Complete Growth Stage During main growth stage, plant requires an adequate amount of Nitrogen and Phosphorous for proper root and shoots development. Nanomeal Grow promotes productive branching and tillering. Mg in Nanomeal Grow, serves...
For Pre Flowering Stage Sufficient amount of Nitrogen during pre flowering helps in stem growth and successive leaf pairs developed more rapidly. Phosphorus is deemed essential nutrient for bud formation. It plays a crucial role...
For Flowering Stage High percentage of P in this formulation helps in increasing flowering ,also acts as a structural component of energy storage. The residual energy created is then held in the ATP and distributed...
For Post Flowering Stage Nutrimeal Berry is critical for flower differentiation, bud vigour and ATP synthesis. High levels of Potassium help in carbohydrate metabolism and translocation of starch. The presence of Calcium and Boron in...
For Flowering and Fruiting Stage Nanomeal Nourish has been specially designed for the multiple harvesting crops (plants which have fruiting and flowering stage at the same time). For Flowering: extra Phosphorus helps promote the development...
This product is a combination of Zinc + Manganese + Copper nutrients required for plants to increase the crop yield by correcting the deficiency and ensuring better nutrient balance. It plays a major role in...
Description: It is a new combination of concentrated Calcium and Boron in high percentage. It is an advanced nano technology product to improve fruit quality. It plays a major role during pollination, for pollen tube...
Geolife Balance Nano Flower Drop Arrester & Complete Nutrition for Flower Flower Drop Arrester Complete nutrition for Flower Flower Dropping/Abortion Flower drop (known to some as “blossom drop”) is a relatively common problem faced by...
High % Ortho Siicic Acid Effervescent Tablets An innovative product powered by nano technology with highest percentage of Ortho Silicic Acid which works very effectively on building resistance power against diseases. These tablets supply essential...
Geolife Florex Flower Booster for Flowering Stage of Crops Florex is a unique Nano technology product to profuse flowering. It provides rapid absorption & quick response from plants. It plays a major role in converting...
BALANCE NUTRI MULTI MICRO NUTRIENT It contains multi micronutrients like Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn) & Molybdenum (Mo) in easily available form. It is exclusively for meeting the requirement of...
Geolife Fruiting Kit (Vigore Fruit Size Enhancer 10 grm + Natural Cab 50 grm) , Combination Of Concentrated Calcium And Boron At A High Percentage NATURAL CAB : It is a new combination of concentrated Calcium...
Geolife Vigore "Superior Organic Yield Enhancer" 1) No. 1 highly yield booster product in the industry. It helps in more branching/ tillering which results in more flowers and hence more yield. It helps plant in...
NANO VIGORE: It is an unique nano technology product to profuse flowering.It provides rapid absorption & quick response from plant.It increase yield & quality to optimum levelIt can be applied on all crops where flowering plays...
Initial Grown Stage A compound fertilizer with 8 essential micro nutrients assuring equal distribution of nutrients required for the initial growth stage. At this stage NPK equally plays a major role in stem and leaf...
Geolife Nano Vigore Flower Booster for Flowering Stage of Crops Nano Vigore is a unique Nano technology product to profuse flowering. It provides rapid absorption & quick response from plants. It plays a major role...
Geolife Balance Flower Flower Drop Arrester & Complete Nutrition for Flower Flower Drop Arrester Complete nutrition for Flower Flower Dropping/Abortion Flower drop (known to some as “blossom drop”) is a relatively common problem faced by...
FULLMEAL FRUIT 500gm/Acre Balanced Crop Nutrition for Fruit Fruiting Stage - Contents - It is unique combination of various nutrients which contains · Translocating agents · Speciality nutrients · Calcium & Boron · Essential nutrient blend...